Hike from La Jairaz to Lac de La Rosière

16 August 2020

Sublime hike with Craig and Freya from La Jairaz to Lac de La Rosière. This hike was followed by a memorable scavenger hunt.
Freya managed several other climbs during her holidays in Savoy, notably the ascent from Champany le Haut to the Glière refuge. Congratulations Freya, you are a great sportswoman. And what a pleasure, it was for me hiking with you this Thursday August 6th. Thanks Georgina, Thanks Craig, Thanks Freya.

Hike from La Jairaz to Lac de La Rosière

Practical Information:

Map: IGN TOP 25R 3534 0TR Les Trois Vallées Modane – Parc National de
the Vanoise
Departure altitude: 1177m
Arrival altitude: 1539m
Elevation gain: 362m
Schedule: 1:15 hour climb

Description of the route:

Depart from the sawmill, which is located outside the village. Continue along the La Rosière torrent to Lac de La Rosière. The path is very well signposted so there is little chance of taking the wrong route. The walk takes place in the forest which is very pleasant in the middle of summer. Return by the same route